Lenovo S100-59300428 |
The main reason for popularity of this Notebook is about its processor and its speed. The Lenovo S100 59300428 is powered by Atom N455 processor. Because of the speed of the processor, people like to work on such a machine. There are no memory storage problems as it is provided with 1 GB RAM and having hard disk capacity of 250GB. There is no battery back up problem as 6 cell standard batteries. This notebook is mainly designed so that people can easily perform their small task. This notebook is provided with display screen of 10.1 inch.
The main technical features are as follows:
- It is having a storage capacity of 1 GB,
- Has hard disk capacity of 250 GB.
- Has DOS as an operating system.
- Has an Atom N455 which is a high speed processor installed.
- Have Bluetooth and WIFI for network connection.
- Has display screen of 10.1 inch.
Because of all this features it is one of the excellent notebooks.